Security Announcements This category provides information about patch releases that include security updates. The forum administrators and moderators manage this category. Dashboards Questions related to Dashboard management, annotations, transformations, templating, variables, rows, value-mapping, snapshots, variables, permissions, etc. Developers & API Documentation about: Explore Documentation about: Configuration grafana.ini, configure plugins, environment variables, networking, proxying, feature toggles, k8s, helm-charts, terraform, permissions, etc: Gauge Panel Documentation about: Geomap Panel Documentation about: Table Panel Documentation about: MSSQL Documentation about: How To Tutorial topics that describe how to use, set up, configure, or install Grafana, Plugins & Data sources. Live Documentation about: Azure Monitor Ask questions and share resources for Grafana’s Azure Monitor data source plugin: Time Series Panel Documentation about: Graph (Old) Panel NOTE : Graph (old) is a legacy panel. The Time Series panel replaced it. Cloudwatch Documentation about: scenes Grafana Scenes is 1.0! Installation installation or upgrade issues e.g. windows, linux, docker, kubernetes, helm, binaries, images, package managers, building from source, etc: InfluxDB Documentation about: MySQL Documentation about: Bar Gauge Panel Documentation about Stat Panel Documentation about: PostgreSQL Documentation about: Pie Chart Panel Documentation about: Announcements Announcements about processes, forum changes, maintenance, or anything else non-technical we want the community to know. Prometheus Alerting Get started with Grafana Alerting by creating your first alert in just a few minutes. Learn how to set up an alert, send alert notifications to a public webhook, and generate sample data to observe your alert in action. Releases Topics with release notes for new releases. Data Links Documentation about: Bar Chart Panel Documentation about Elasticsearch Authentication ask questions about setup and configure authentication, basic auth, LDAP, JWT, SAML, OAuth, OAuth2, Azure AD, etc. Zabbix Documentation about: Graphite