Using Grafana 11.3.1
I’m trying to export table data into CSV and I understand that the steps to do that are Inspect
→ Data
→ Download CSV
Followed this link:
How can I make sure that the “Apply panel Transformations
” is turned on by default?
And how can I make sure that “Series Joined by Time
” is selected by default?
Maybe if I change some js build file placed in /usr/share/grafana/public/build?
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There is a relevant issue at github, but it is not resolved as of now…
opened 12:27PM - 22 Nov 23 UTC
### Discussed in
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<sup>Originally posted by **vvandel-nfir** March 10, 2022</sup>
In the panel inspector in the data tab there are some options that can be toggled (see screenshot). By default, only the middle one is toggled on.
I would like to be able to set these options in the URL that links to the panel inspector, similarly to how you can set the default tab with 'inspectTab=data'.

Another solution I would be happy with is being able to set the default value of these toggles globally,
My use case is that we provide our users with a dashboard link to the panel inspector where they can export certain data. To increase the usability we have made certain transformations such as hiding and renaming a few columns. In the current state they need to manually flip the switch 'Apply panel transformations' to benefit from them. Same goes for the 'Download for Excel' toggle. Having these toggles switched on by default would improve the usability of our export link/feature greatly.
Hello to all, just wanted to check, does my solution work for you, or are you still facing same issues Please contact me if you need any help, I will be happy to help you here.
@infofcc3 The problem isn’t so much about how to do the task itself, but rather how to automate the process for other users. Clicking this option a few times is easy, but add multiple users and constant calls to export and we can be sure that some will forget to do so.
As of today, this issue seems unresolved since the linked GitHub discussion seems dead.