How to get data from grafana dashboard


For security reasons, I could not get permission to connect to the Grafana API at my company. So I have to manually export the data from the grafana dashboard to excel every week. Does anyone have an idea to automate this?

Thank you

How it can be blocked due to security reasons? If you have access to Grafana in the browser, then you access to API as well. For example visit: https://<yourgrafanadomain>/api/search?query=&starred=false in the same browser as you are logged into Grafana UI.

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why do you have to do this every week and into excel?

who owns the datasource amd what kind is it?

Some organizations just block /api endpoint on the web server. So you can log in to Grafana and manage that through the user interface but can’t access /api endpoints.

You can use Selenium to automate the data export process.

Yes, but if you block api endpoint in Grafana, then your Grafana UI will be broken - UI uses API under the hood
=> if user has access to UI, then it has acccess to API.

I need to prepare weekly report for all dashboard.

Thank you, I’ve been looking for it these days. If you have example please share with me

Do you need to export data as CSV from some of your dashboard panels? May be there is an option to do such type of reports/backups directly from datasource, without Grafana at all?