Grafana + ADX + Bar chart for Percentiles


I am trying to replicate this panel, with ADX as database.

My query returns a tabular result in format (see image).
TimeStamp Percentile_50 Percentile_75 Percentile_90
2020-08-24T21:45:00Z. 00:00:01.2542699 00:00:02.6368749 00:00:03.8889399
2020-08-24T22:00:00Z. 00:00:01.2542699 00:00:02.6368749 00:00:03.8889399
2020-08-24T22:15:00Z. 00:00:01.2542699 00:00:02.6368749 00:00:03.8889399
2020-08-24T22:30:00Z. 00:00:01.2542699 00:00:02.6368749 00:00:03.8889399

With above result and render timechart => ADX can successfully create a timechart (grapgh) for same query.

When I try to create graph panel in Grafana it throws be this error.
unsupported type ‘timespan’ in response for a time series query: must be datetime, int, long, real, guid, or string
The same error occurs if I change “Format As = Time Series or ADX Time Series”.

The panel showed in play.grafana is a perfect example of my requirement but I cannot produce it with ADX. Is this a bug specific for ADX or is the panel itself buggy?