Filter on Embedded item

Remember that I am embedding Grafana panels in Node-RED dashboard. Since there is no time selector in Node-RED, I defined some time variables in javascript like this:

var p_30d  = 1000*60*60*24*30 ; //30 Days
var p_7d  = 1000*60*60*24*7 ; //7 Days
var p_1d   =  1000*60*60*24 ; // 1 Day
var p_hr = 1000*60*60; //1 Hour

var d = new Date();
var current = d.getTime();

msg.fromdate = "now-" + msg.payload +"h";
msg.enddate = "now";

return msg;

I fed the above into a dashboard template node that contains this:


msg.payload= ""+
"&from="+ msg.fromdate +
"&to="+ msg.enddate +

return msg;

Here is what the flow looks like:

and here is the what the dashboard looks like: