Is there a workaround to get a center zero gauge or histogram?
I want to monitor/report on Net Energy. If generation from solar panels exceeds consumption then we are exporting (-ve) otherwise we are importing (+ve).
I have seen other questions on centre zero guages but not found a way to to do it - how have others solved this problem?
Datasourse is influxDB v1.8 which receives data from my energy monitor (IoTaWatt)
Grafana version is 7.5.5
What I am aiming for is a dial that runs from (say) minus 10Kw to + 10kw with zero in the centre. The color (reading) should then from the centre towards the left if negative and from the centre towards the right if positive.
A histogram would work for this use case (instead of a dial) but if I set the histogram limits from -10 to +10 and have a reading of (say) 2 then the bar starts at -10 and runs to 2 instead of starting at zero and running to 2.
is there a way to say ‘start the bar at zero rather than the minimum’ for a histogram?
I couldn’t find the setting (9.3.1 running on Raspberry Pi) but when I put ‘neutral’ in the ‘Search options’ box I found it (not sure if I just missed it the first time). It is there in the main options now.
The documentation doesn’t appear to have been updated yet.
From playing with it:
Leaving it blank has the gauge as before.
Putting a number in has the ‘split’ point at the number
if you set min and max to the (signed) same amount e.g.min = -10, max = 10 and the ‘neutral’ is set to 0 then the threshold will be at the apex of the gauge.
Hi Andi, I had a similar issue with another measurement and ended up implementing the difference in the data source (the application that collected the data)
But could you share a screenshot of the selection for P+ and P-? Perhaps I have an idea.
Cool, I suspected something like this. the two measurements may have slightly different timestamps and this may lead to strange things in time series queries.
yep, could be.
I’m just wondering why in the table view a result was displayed.
With the previous fill I will have a 5 sec delay, but I can live with that…