How can I represent negative and positive values in a table gauge

Hello All,

I’m wondering if there is some way to use the gauge panel that is inside the table to represent columns that have negative and positive values together.


Currently the minimum negative is at the far left and the max positive is at the far right but what I’d like to show is the zero point being centered in the middle of the cell so that negative numbers are shown going left in the gauge and positive numbers are shown going right.

Because currently as it is you can’t see very well the negative magnitude compared to positive.

It would look something like this with the zero point in the middle.

I know I can do it within a bar chart widget but I can’t seem to get it within a table panel cell.


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maybe this could work

Ok thanks yosiasz, I’m not sure how that would help I want to do it within the grafana table cell.


Hi @roni,

There is currently no support for displaying those sorts of bar charts within the Table visualisation, though I agree it would be a great addition! You’re best bet for now is the approach you have taken, where you use a Guage cell type with auto defined min and max values along with value thresholds to differentiate negative and positive values.

Ok got it, thanks Tom

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