Bar Gauge Panel with 0 in the middle, negative left

I want to create a bar gauge where 0 is in the middle (excess power in a PV), -10000 on the left and +10000 on the right.

But - when I have a value of 0, I want the bar to show nothing. When I have -5000, I want the bar starting in the middle and showing from 0 to the left to -5000.

Is it possible?

CoPilot tells me to do this:
" * Bar orientation: Adjust the bar orientation so that negative values extend to the left. You can do this in the “Display” section by setting the “Orientation” to “Horizontal” and ensuring the “Reverse” option is enabled for negative values."
but I cannot find this reverse option


You mean something like this?? For this you can use the ‘Bar Chart’ Plugin

Its covers most of your criteria but not all.

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