Unable to find service-ca.crt

Hi everyone! I’m trying to test Grafana Cloud by connecting it to my on-prem OpenShift cluster.

I’ve followed the guide and created the resources using the Helm chart. However, no logs are imported to Grafana (I checked the “pod logs” flag). I noticed that the pod of the stateful set for Alloy logs this error continuously:

err="error creating HTTP client: unable to read CA cert: unable to read file /etc/prometheus/configmaps/serving-certs-ca-bundle/service-ca.crt: open /etc/prometheus/configmaps/serving-certs-ca-bundle/service-ca.crt: no such file or directory" scrape_pool=serviceMonitor/openshift-machine-api/machine-api-controllers/1

I’ve got a suggestion from ChatGPT about installing a ConfigMap and then modifying the stateful set (which I’d rather not do “outside” of the Helm chart), but then again a different error popped up about a different certificate.

Did I miss something during the installation?

Hi @ict3991 - were you able to resolve this issue?

There’s a guide for troubleshooting the Kubernetes Monitoring Helm chart for OpenShift environments here:

Also, there’s a new version of the Helm chart available for installation: