String of Large Number in Grafana Visualization Graph Would Be Truncated in Hover Tooltip, Resulting Showing Data of Precision Loss

Grafana Version

Grafana v7.4.5 (8a2c78d3f8)

Trying to Achieve

To let String of large number (like “18446744073709551615” which is int64 overflow, i.e. 2^64 − 1) to display in hover tooltip of Visualization Graph.

How to Achieve

The Left Y axes data in from influxdb type of String, also set Grafana Field>Standard options with Unit String.

What Happened

In Visualization Graph, the data be truncated in hover tooltip, resulting showing data of precision loss

Expect to Happen

It should display the full String “18446744073709551615” in hover tooltip.

Configuration of the Problems with

The Left Y axes data in from influxdb type of String, so set Grafana Field>Standard options with Unit String.