Hi all,
Happy new year to everybody !
I created a new dashboard to get thoses differents graph :
I want to display the evolution of user connection for the day (by hour and by minute) but how i can define a different time range for the week :
Check my MySQL Query (for the week )
****** //////
) as value, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(when
) as time_sec
FROM logs
WHERE when
BETWEEN $__timeFrom(now/w) AND $__timeTo(now/w)
), HOUR( when
//////// ********
Thanks in advance !
January 6, 2018, 10:19am
In panel options there’s is a time range tab where you can specify panel time ranges overrides
Hi Torkel
Yes but i can’t configured two time range in same time to display differents times series, you see ?
Thanks !
January 6, 2018, 10:35am
One panel can show last 5min, another last 1d, another last 7d
panel can show last 5
Because i want to display in same time the evolution of user connection Today and of the week, i can understand if it’s not possible but maybe i think i could use this function :
January 6, 2018, 1:41pm
So why not use panel time range override ???
Hi Torkel,
Sorry for the delay, just to confirm we talk to the same thing :
With this tool i can’t see on the two graph in the top of the screen stats of the day, and the third stats of the week.
January 11, 2018, 3:57pm
but why not set time range on each panel?
1 Like
oooooooh My gooood yes indeed i forget this function !
Thanks torkel
January 29, 2019, 3:11pm
Hello, How do you get two time ranges into 1 panel? also, I’m getting errors that the say the macros
__unixEpochTo and __unixEpochFrom are unknown!
is it has solution with Grafana 6+?
the setting board looks different from upper image.
Same question as jason80d. Changing the time range within the panels on Grafana 6+ changes the time range for the whole dashboard. I’m not seeing a discrete time range option within each panel like Grafana 5.
Hello zncaudata! Please check out these threads for more information on how to set time range on each panel for Grafana 6+:
I often see tabs in documentation but on my installation I can’t see any of them in the following view:
I’m running on Grafana v6.3.5 (67bad72)
What I’m doing wrong?
Hi all, hopefully something really dumb… I’m trying to get different time ranges for different graph panels on a single dashboard. I’m sure I’m missing something obvious, According to the docs, I should see this:
However, what I actually see is this:
Where is panel options in Grafana 8?
I don’t see timeoveride option
1 Like
Panel’s Time range setting.
Edit → Query options → Relative time to set the Time rage.
Interval can also be set here.
time range o
I run Grafana * v9.0.5 on Docker on Synology NAS. I don’t see the Time Range Options. I can’t find override relative time…
I want to add an additional query, to compare the previous year.
How can I do this? Thanks, torkel.
Thats right. Is it also possible to set different time shifts for two different queries? I want to compare the values with the previous year
1 Like
September 19, 2022, 10:44pm
This is the correct way to do it, thanks
Issue is still there: impossible to show on one dashboard two time series graphs with different time ranges of the panels, e.g. one panel for last 30min and another for 24h.
Using v9.3.2. Data source mysql.
Query (same for both panels): select FROM_UNIXTIME(ts/1000) as adate, round(val) as aval from ts_number where id=186 order by adate desc LIMIT 1440;
One measurement per minute record.
Dashboard time range setting: last 30min.