I think this may have started when I enabled https and OAuth in the Grafana config, but I’m not completely sure. Is there some additional config required to make this “live” websocket connection work? I’m not even using Grafana Live so I wouldn’t mind simply disabling it too if I could find a way to do that.
I’ve configured the following environment variables in Docker which may be relevant. (Redacted for privacy.)
So despite this being logged as informational, the Grafana instance does refuse to reply to a client requesting this URI. So this looks like an artifact left over from Grafana Cloud code which doesn’t translate to OSS deployments. I assume the URI comes from the server and the clients just try to fetch the resource.
I thought that having ssl negated most of that, then added the following line to the reverse proxy on the Grafana host. But had to also add it to the second tier of reverse proxies… Duh/Doh, lesson learned (I hope).
This is not useful, when you don’t say, which reverse proxy you have. I guess it’s Nginx. There is doc for Nginx and it mentions required config for live API: