Jenkins Query Latest Job Build Number

Hi I am currently using the Jenkins Exporter for Prometheus. What I’m trying to do is write a query that only shows me the most recent build number (largest number) from the label: number of a given job from the below metric.

My query has looked similar to this:
default_jenkins_builds_build_result_ordinal{jenkins_prod_job=“examplejob”,status=“SUCCESS”,number=~".*"} I’ve tried writing this query with max and topk with no success. This metric I’m querying publishes something like the last several failed and successful times this job has ran for the given example job. My end goal is to have the query that only shows me the most recent build number for any given job I’m querying and not the last 10-15 successful build numbers. Any help on figuring this out would be much appreciated thanks in advance.

Did you find how to solve this?
I’m in the same boat.