How to stop Grafana from converting hours to days

I have some data I want to display and it should be displayed in hours. It comes in as hours from my Zabbix item, eg. 120h.

How the item looks in Zabbix

However Grafana seems to convert all of it to days and weeks and so on. How can I stop that from happening? I’ve tried setting a custom suffix suffix: h and also even tried displaying it as a normal number.

Standard time option

Number option

No matter what I do, after I apply, save the changes and reload the dashboard my data still shows up like this


can you share some more config? It looks like unit is being overriden by something (either a transformation or a field override). Number or a custom unit should work then.

There’s nothing

Adding an override to this value fixed this issue, pretty weird.
I’ve just added a normal override to Number