How to set Loki alert rule for log query

I’m using Grafana 11, where the logs show Loki receiving HTTP requests, which can be queried in Grafana’s Explore page. The log content is straightforward, but when configuring alerts, I received a prompt stating that log queries do not support instant query type; they must be of range query type and require wide series data.

It’s the error.

I can get the result using explore.

It’s the dashboard in grafana.

It’s my request via http to loki.

Use metric query:

So you are not alertint on log content, but on log count (e. g. number of lines, which contain string critical). Then result is standard metric.

I try to configured:
(1)loki-config.yaml, added ruler params like this, is my IP.

    type: local
      directory: /loki/rules
  rule_path: /loki/rules-temp
  enable_alertmanager_v2: true
      store: inmemory
  enable_api: true

(2)rulers yaml file, which both at /loki/rules and /loki/rules-temp ,the same dir in loki-config.yaml.

  - name: run-log-alerts
      - alert: RunLogAlert
        expr: count_over_time({label="run_log"}[1m]) > 0
        for: 0m
         summary: Run log detected
         description: A log entry with label 'run_log' has been detected

After these setting, I pushed the post request like above, and It’s nothing happened in Alertmanager:9093 and loki logs.

Here is the result in grafana.

I don’t know where the configuration went wrong… :sob: :sob: :sob:

Please use formated texts for config, code snippets, not images.

Ok , I edited the previous reply

you need to use aggregation. Something like count(rate({level=critical}[$_auto])) by (host)

Alerting does not support log lines as a result. Only time series.