Hi All,
Can anyone help me to add multiple servers monitoring graphs to single dashboard, Is that possible in Grafana enterprise edition.
Girish Bharadwaj
Hi All,
Can anyone help me to add multiple servers monitoring graphs to single dashboard, Is that possible in Grafana enterprise edition.
Girish Bharadwaj
Yes, it is definitely possible (in the open source version too). Which data source are you using? Maybe you can find a good starter dashboard on https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards?orderBy=name&direction=asc
I am using Prometheus to monitor exclusively windows node machine on Grafana, Will i be able to export graphs of multiple servers on a single dashboard ?
I already tried with (1 Node Exporter for Prometheus Dashboard CN v20191102) And could not obtain the graphs.
Could you please let me know the steps to configure graphs for multiple servers on a single dashboard.
I am currently using Granfana for monitoring my windows node servers.
The challenge I am facing with the dashboards is unable to build multiple servers on a single dashboard
i.e : Server 1, Server 2 & Server3 of respective IP : 172.xx.xx.xx , 172.yy.yy.yy & 172.zz.zz.zz
I want all three windows hosts to be monitored on a single dashboard
If yes its possible please help me out the steps & config of the dashboard.
Very possible and very simple…
Try to make different query of each server
I tried adding another node to my host machine (Grafana + InfluxDB+Telegraf).
On another machine i have installed Telegraf only and under url section defined Host Machine Details but still in query unable to see