Hide the "Zoom to Data" Buttons

Hi all

Is there a supported way to not show the Zoom to Data" buttons that are displayed in each Panel when the dataset and the timeRange or not aligned.

I recall from previous experience that when performing a direct Dashboard query in the panel and including
WHERE $__timeFilter
then this would surpress the “Zoom to Data” however we are using the Infinity Plugin for API REST calls so that seems to not be a solution.

FWIW, we have implemented a way in user space (i.e. no Plugin development) to automatically Zoom to the returned dataset when a user selects on the dropdown another option to display other data. No user interaction is required to display the data in the Panel for a dataset of aribitrary time range beyond of course selecting the option in the standard template var dropdown.

So for this solution to be presented, these [Zoom to data] buttons need to be silenced.

Thank you for taking the trouble with this as the docs take time to find and understand, so looking for a pointer on this :wink: