Grafana Faro SDK


i’ve been using Grafana Cloud and trying to integrate all observability pillars (logs / loki, metrics / tempo, tracing/).

Now we would like to replace Frontend monitoring tools as well and it looks like that you have Grafana Faro.

According to the documentation, Grafana Faro is an SDK which should take care of logs, tracing and performance benchmarks).

So the question from my end.

  • Does it support React Native through an SDK? If not, which kind of other way of Frontend / Client monitoring you offer?
  • How do i secure/authenticate from clients, in case i am pushing directly from clients to Faro?

Hi @Django,

thanks a lot for your interest in Faro.

We do not support React Native yet.

We offer an SDK to monitor websites / applications running in a Browser.
Additionally we offer a dedicated instrumentation for React apps which is able to send some React specific data like React Router changes and offers some comfort functionality like an ErrorBoundary component tracking errors.

  • The Web-SDK uses an Api Key added via a config option.
  • The endpoint is further secured via CORS allowed origins (URLs that are allowed to send frontend data to your endpoint)

Thanks for the reply.

Whom should we ask to enable Grafana Faro for our project?
We have noticed it is in public review and will be only enabled on request.


Do you plan to support react-native on your roadmap? If so, any estimative?

Hi @alioshr

We do not have React Native Instrumentation on our roadmap.


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Hi @Django

sorry your question totally slipped through.
In case you’ve not already enabled Faro in the meantime I’m happy to tell that it is now in public preview.



Thanks, we are using Faro today. Any plans to put React Native on the roadmap? This is quite important for us, to have observability under one stack.



Hi @Django I am sorry but still no plans at the moment to put React Native on the Roadmap.


cc @cedricziel1