Flutter Frontend Observability

I want to create end-to-end tracing from my Flutter app with my PHP services.
Backend tracing is done, working properly.
Frontend part, I’m a bit stuck as there is no official docs/SDK to handle instrumentation.

Can anyone guide me or have any experience with this?


Faro is for frontend:

Thanks jangaraj, but are you implying to use this package GitHub - cedricziel/faro_dart: WIP, Faro, but for Dart ?
I see that it is not being updated frequently

I don’t. I gave you recommendation for a product. How that product can be implemented in your fronted framework depends on you. You can still use 3rd party, unsupported, unmaintained, undocumented implementation for that if you are happy with that. You can also write/publish/maintain own implementation, …

Okay, but sadly Grafana Faro right now does not support Flutter officially Others platforms · Issue #232 · grafana/faro-web-sdk · GitHub

Hence the question, is there any recommended ways to do this from someone who have implemented Flutter app Observability

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I think it’s better to ask Flutter community.

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Did you find any solution for flutter application Observability? I am not seeing Grafana supporting anything like that

have you looked at the following?

instead of waiting for grafana to implement it, you can still instrument your app to create your own

also this

Is Flutter instrumentation process similar to node.js?