GRAFANA Dashboard does not display Data

please should be informed that telegraf how all data of measurements however in grafana does not show all data

can you help please

espechly these lines not displayed

,Systemname=“WorkCentre 5330 RDJ1”

What is shown if you hover over the red error icon?

I will check and back to you with an answer

hello here is the error displayed

grafana unsupported mean iterator type: *query.stringInterruptIterator

Try removing the GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null) and see what happens.

Source: InfluxDB Error: unsupported mean iterator type: *query.booleanInterruptIterator - InfluxDB 1 - InfluxData Community Forums

Thanks you very much

systemname is string field and it doesn’t make sense to calculate mean value from the string.
Use some numeric field in mean agg function.


If the above fixed the issue, please mark it as Solution so others can find this in the future.