Recently I upgraded Grafana from 9.3.XX (can’t remember) to 9.5.1. After doing this I’m seeing repeatable panel timeouts on our dashboard machine.
This dashboard display machine is an older device running Lubuntu 22.04.02 LTS using chromium-browser v113.0.5672.126 to display 2 dashboards on 2 monitors that refresh every second. That’s its sole purpose and seems to be running well otherwise.
Other newer machines are also exhibiting the same issues and it makes no difference if the clients are wired or wiif.
The server is Ubuntu 22.04.02 LTS running Grafana 9.5.3 (updated to see if any fixed helped) and Influxdb 2.7.1 data sources.
I see the following errors in the logs:
Although the dashboard refresh is very frequent they seem to be getting completed quickly:
Jun 13 12:11:33 SERVERNAME grafana[31534]: logger=context userId=0 orgId=1 uname= t=2023-06-13T12:11:33.858580458Z level=info msg=“Request Completed” method=POST path=/api/ds/query status=400 remote_addr=IPADDRESS time_ms=4 duration=4.769373ms size=432 referer=“http://SERVERNAME:3000/d/WurYZcRgt/DASHBOARDNAME?kiosk=tv&orgId=1&refresh=1s” handler=/api/ds/query
Refreshing the web browser on the client, or restarting the grafana-server service fixes everything for a while, but not long.
Is there a client timeout setting that I can play with to see if it helps?
Is there a way to see if a specific panel on the dashboard is causing an issue?
Anything else I can try?
Is there a way to downgrade?