I am having a problem with my dahsboards when I upgrade Grafana 9.0.0 to 9.5.1. If I open a dashboard and navegate with the scroll bar in all panels all graphs work fine. But If I change the date picker, only the graphs that I see in this moments in my screen work fine (the time is updated without problem), but when I used the scroll bar to see another graph, I get next error:
“Status: 500. Message: A query returned too many datapoints and the results have been truncated at 1181 points to prevent memory issues. At the current graph size, Grafana can only draw 118.”
In the last image when I changed the date picker, the first row was on my screen, but when I used the scroll bar to see the others panels, I got the error. If I press the refresh dashbord button, all panels work fine.
I am using Grafana in Docker, and my datasource is InfluxDB v2.4.0 and I am using Flux as query language. I upgraded the plugins after changed the version of Grafana.
Can someone help me with this problem?
Thank you very much in advance and best regards.