today I made a fresh installation of Grafana 6.7.1 on Windows 10, installed the Google Sheets datasource plugin 0.9.0 and restarted Grafana.
I created a Google Sheets datasource with my API key.
When I create a new dashbaord → Add query and enter your example Spreadsheet ID (1TZlZX67Y0s4CvRro_3pCYqRCKuXer81oFp_xcsjPpe8) I immediately get a “Metric request error”.
What I am doing wrong or how can I fix that problem?
The following link had some tips setting using the Google API for Sheets and Drive to access private sheets using OAuth Keys or Service Account Keys … however something is till not working within the Grafana Gooble sheets Plug-In 0.9.0 and Grafana 6.7.3 to return the data so that it can be visualized.
By me not even the public files return data Average Temperature referred to at GitHub site for grafana google-sheets-datasource returns data …
I discovered via this stackoverflow post that you have to get the email address of the service account and share the Google Sheet with that email address to allow access without having to share the link globally.
I was trying to use the Google Sheet plugin but I also have a problem during activation . In my case, the error is generated when I try to incorporate the new data source at the time of “Save & Test” and I get the following error message “Plugin health chech failed”:
In my case, I am running Grafana (v7.1.5) locally with a Raspberry model 4. I have also followed the steps of activating the API key and the Google Sheet service in Google Cloud Platform.
Could you help me with the error?
Thank you so much for everything