Data link that takes variable values from another column


I have a query variable in my grafana dashboard (machine dashboard):

database with 1 value: DP_Database
table with 3 values: 711_Table, 732_Table, 589_Table

now I want a data link to link to 1 single dashboard and auto fill in the tables in the table variable in the query per panel. This link is going to be attached to a table in another dashboard (machine picker dashboard)

I am also sending database and table as datapoints and querying them into the table on the machine picker dashboard

I want to be able to click a value under “Machine Name” and let the data link take the database and table from the same row, but a different column:

i hope my drawing makes sence :slight_smile:

Does somebody know what to fill into the data link?

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this works, but I can’t hide the database and table columns from the table panel (with “organize fields by name” transformation).

any idea on how I can hide them?

edit: figured it out with an override:

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