Cannot Install grafana using rpm image


I just downloaded grafana as explained on grafana docs. The issue is that i am able to install grafana using rpm command but the following issues take place:

  1. As explained at the files are not made at the specific directories (some files are present at their locations as expected but some are not)
  2. When i run the command systemctl start grafana-server i am presented with a message that says grafana-server.service is not found
  3. I checked manually the service is present at the appropriate location (/root/usr/lib/systemd/system)

Some extra information to be noted:

  1. Grafana version: grafana-6.2.5-1.x86_64.rpm\
  2. I have redhat 7.4 installed on virtual machine
  3. I am using putty to access the ip required

Here is the output of my terminal:
login as: root
root@’s password:
Last login: Thu Jul 18 16:04:12 2019 from
[root@testserver ~]# systemctl start grafana-server
Failed to start grafana-server.service: Unit not found.
[root@testserver ~]# clear

But there is a grafana-server.service present at /etc/init.d

Please help me in this matter