Cannot Get Operato Windrose Card To Work With Prometheus or InfluxDB

I am trying to setup an Operato Windrose panel using Prometheus or InfluxDB as a datasource. I read the docs and some other forum posts about this and am fairly sure I formatted the data correctly per the Operato Windrose docs found here:

Operato Windrose plugin for Grafana | Grafana Labs

However no data will show in the Windrose panel. Can someone please help me figure out why? Please see images below:


@yosiasz can you provide more info on how to make this work? Like can you post the exact javascript content from the business text panel, and a screenshot of your queries and transforms? I do not have any experience with this

all that you need has been provided for you. it is just a matter of you putting the pieces together. Keep trying it out and when you are stuck, post back.

happy to guide you but I wont be providing you code to copy pasta.