Can show string values on Panels?

Hello, I am testing Grafana with InfluxDB. I am receiving telemetry info and I need to show the BGP state of a bgp neighbor. But it is a “string” value. Is there any panel to show text valus and not numbers? The BGP states can be “Established”, “Active” or “Iddle”. Thanks a lot.

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Please use table panel.

Hello Jangaraj,

Thanks for your answer, I tried table panel but I only can view numeric info, I attached the screen capture.

When I change the query for a value like connection-state that isn’t numeric it says no data to show. Maybe I need to change some options?

I suspect that by telling it that you want the mean value of the field it probably takes that as an indication that it is a number. I am not sure what you expect if you ask for the mean value of some text strings that are not numbers.

  • Change FORMAT AS: Time series to FORMAT AS: Table
  • Select all fields/tags field(*) in your query
  • Don’t aggregate (no GROUP BY)

Hello @jangaraj
How we can achive this in elastic search ? to display text in table panel ??
Thanks ,


How I can use table dashborad with database InfluxDB?

How i can get this. I did not have option “Scenario”

Select Unit = String

Hi all,
I want to display database execution plans in a panel. The plans are stored in mysql as string.
Is the table panel the best choice for this? As you can see from the screenshot below, I failed to adjust the high of the row that I can not see the whole plan. Any suggestion for this?

How the execution plan looks like:

| ID                                    | ESTROWS      | ACTROWS   | TASK      | ACCESS OBJECT  | EXECUTION INFO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | OPERATOR INFO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | MEMORY    | DISK    |
| Projection_18                         | 20.00        | 20        | root      |                | time:34.6s, loops:2, Concurrency:OFF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | tpch50.customer.c_custkey, tpch50.customer.c_name, Column#39, tpch50.customer.c_acctbal, tpch50.nation.n_name, tpch50.customer.c_address, tpch50.customer.c_phone, tpch50.customer.c_comment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 8.47 KB   | N/A     |
| └─TopN_21                             | 20.00        | 20        | root      |                | time:34.6s, loops:2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | Column#39:desc, offset:0, count:20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 322.7 KB  | N/A     |
|   └─HashAgg_26                        | 304437.51    | 1923375   | root      |                | time:34.5s, loops:1889, partial_worker:{wall_time:33.722843483s, concurrency:16, task_num:5609, tot_wait:8m38.206897454s, tot_exec:19.470952968s, tot_time:8m59.186333215s, max:33.722664037s, p95:33.722664037s}, final_worker:{wall_time:34.598694537s, concurrency:16, task_num:256, tot_wait:8m58.955050456s, tot_exec:14.126087267s, tot_time:9m13.081317255s, max:34.59856851s, p95:34.59856851s} | group by:Column#53, Column#54, Column#55, Column#56, Column#57, Column#58, Column#59, funcs:sum(Column#45)->Column#39, funcs:firstrow(Column#46)->tpch50.customer.c_custkey, funcs:firstrow(Column#47)->tpch50.customer.c_name, funcs:firstrow(Column#48)->tpch50.customer.c_address, funcs:firstrow(Column#49)->tpch50.customer.c_phone, funcs:firstrow(Column#50)->tpch50.customer.c_acctbal, funcs:firstrow(Column#51)->tpch50.customer.c_comment, funcs:firstrow(Column#52)->tpch50.nation.n_name | 2.65 GB   | N/A     |
|     └─Projection_73                   | 304437.51    | 5732918   | root      |                | time:33.2s, loops:5610, Concurrency:16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | mul(tpch50.lineitem.l_extendedprice, minus(1, tpch50.lineitem.l_discount))->Column#45, tpch50.customer.c_custkey, tpch50.customer.c_name, tpch50.customer.c_address, tpch50.customer.c_phone, tpch50.customer.c_acctbal, tpch50.customer.c_comment, tpch50.nation.n_name, tpch50.customer.c_custkey, tpch50.customer.c_name, tpch50.customer.c_acctbal, tpch50.customer.c_phone, tpch50.nation.n_name, tpch50.customer.c_address, tpch50.customer.c_comment                                           | 14.6 MB   | N/A     |
|       └─Projection_27                 | 304437.51    | 5732918   | root      |                | time:32.5s, loops:5610, Concurrency:16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | tpch50.customer.c_custkey, tpch50.customer.c_name, tpch50.customer.c_address, tpch50.customer.c_phone, tpch50.customer.c_acctbal, tpch50.customer.c_comment, tpch50.lineitem.l_extendedprice, tpch50.lineitem.l_discount, tpch50.nation.n_name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 10.9 MB   | N/A     |
|         └─HashJoin_43                 | 304437.51    | 5732918   | root      |                | time:32.6s, loops:5610, build_hash_table:{total:31.6s, fetch:2.47s, build:29.1s}, probe:{concurrency:16, total:8m57.5s, max:33.6s, probe:31.1s, fetch:8m26.4s}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | inner join, equal:[eq(tpch50.orders.o_orderkey, tpch50.lineitem.l_orderkey)]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 9.44 GB   | 0 Bytes |
|           ├─TableReader_67(Build)     | 300005.81    | 74026400  | root      |                | time:9.44s, loops:72049, cop_task: {num: 655, max: 4.07s, min: 379.9ms, avg: 624.3ms, p95: 1.24s, max_proc_keys: 465701, p95_proc_keys: 458353, tot_proc: 5m52s, tot_wait: 3.71s, rpc_num: 655, rpc_time: 6m48.9s, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00}                                                                                                                                                          | data:Selection_66                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | 304.0 MB  | N/A     |
|           │ └─Selection_66            | 300005.81    | 74026400  | cop[tikv] |                | tikv_task:{proc max:965ms, min:304ms, p80:533ms, p95:679ms, iters:295887, tasks:655}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 300005811, total_keys: 300006466, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 0, key_skipped_count: 300005811, block: {cache_hit_count: 795214, read_count: 179508, read_byte: 2.84 GB}}}                                                                                                   | eq(tpch50.lineitem.l_returnflag, "R")                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | N/A       | N/A     |
|           │   └─TableFullScan_65      | 300005811.00 | 300005811 | cop[tikv] | table:lineitem | tikv_task:{proc max:901ms, min:281ms, p80:492ms, p95:631ms, iters:295887, tasks:655}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | keep order:false                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | N/A       | N/A     |
|           └─HashJoin_45(Probe)        | 2936812.50   | 2865763   | root      |                | time:5.08s, loops:2810, build_hash_table:{total:4.96s, fetch:3.26s, build:1.7s}, probe:{concurrency:16, total:8m57.4s, max:33.6s, probe:7m34.7s, fetch:1m22.7s}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | inner join, equal:[eq(tpch50.customer.c_custkey, tpch50.orders.o_custkey)]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | 82.5 MB   | 0 Bytes |
|             ├─TableReader_64(Build)   | 2936812.50   | 2865763   | root      |                | time:3.44s, loops:2791, cop_task: {num: 129, max: 3.36s, min: 384.3ms, avg: 1.02s, p95: 2.16s, max_proc_keys: 582444, p95_proc_keys: 582375, tot_proc: 1m46.8s, tot_wait: 4.86s, rpc_num: 129, rpc_time: 2m11.3s, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00}                                                                                                                                                           | data:Selection_63                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | 5.26 MB   | N/A     |
|             │ └─Selection_63          | 2936812.50   | 2865763   | cop[tikv] |                | tikv_task:{proc max:942ms, min:378ms, p80:747ms, p95:827ms, iters:73812, tasks:129}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 75000000, total_keys: 75000129, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 0, key_skipped_count: 75000000, block: {cache_hit_count: 84388, read_count: 105099, read_byte: 1.73 GB}}}                                                                                                        | ge(tpch50.orders.o_orderdate, 1993-08-01 00:00:00.000000), lt(tpch50.orders.o_orderdate, 1993-11-01)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | N/A       | N/A     |
|             │   └─TableFullScan_62    | 75000000.00  | 75000000  | cop[tikv] | table:orders   | tikv_task:{proc max:911ms, min:349ms, p80:720ms, p95:791ms, iters:73812, tasks:129}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | keep order:false                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | N/A       | N/A     |
|             └─HashJoin_57(Probe)      | 7500000.00   | 7500000   | root      |                | time:1.86s, loops:7327, build_hash_table:{total:441.8µs, fetch:414.8µs, build:27µs}, probe:{concurrency:16, total:8m57.3s, max:33.6s, probe:8m35.7s, fetch:21.6s}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       | inner join, equal:[eq(tpch50.nation.n_nationkey, tpch50.customer.c_nationkey)]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 24.5 KB   | 0 Bytes |
|               ├─TableReader_61(Build) | 25.00        | 25        | root      |                | time:39.5µs, loops:2, cop_task: {num: 1, max: 1.68ms, proc_keys: 25, tot_proc: 1ms, rpc_num: 1, rpc_time: 1.66ms, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | data:TableFullScan_60                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | 809 Bytes | N/A     |
|               │ └─TableFullScan_60    | 25.00        | 25        | cop[tikv] | table:nation   | tikv_task:{time:1ms, loops:1}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 25, total_keys: 26, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 0, key_skipped_count: 25, block: {cache_hit_count: 1, read_count: 1, read_byte: 1.31 KB}}}                                                                                                                                                                                         | keep order:false                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | N/A       | N/A     |
|               └─TableReader_59(Probe) | 7500000.00   | 7500000   | root      |                | time:1.41s, loops:7328, cop_task: {num: 17, max: 4.07s, min: 1.22s, avg: 2.63s, p95: 4.07s, max_proc_keys: 448521, p95_proc_keys: 448521, tot_proc: 27.4s, tot_wait: 11ms, rpc_num: 17, rpc_time: 44.7s, copr_cache_hit_ratio: 0.00}                                                                                                                                                                    | data:TableFullScan_58                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | 1.53 GB   | N/A     |
|                 └─TableFullScan_58    | 7500000.00   | 7500000   | cop[tikv] | table:customer | tikv_task:{proc max:1.02s, min:651ms, p80:961ms, p95:1.02s, iters:7399, tasks:17}, scan_detail: {total_process_keys: 7500000, total_keys: 7500017, rocksdb: {delete_skipped_count: 0, key_skipped_count: 7500000, block: {cache_hit_count: 0, read_count: 24920, read_byte: 558.1 MB}}}                                                                                                                 | keep order:false                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | N/A       | N/A     |

Many thanks!