Adopt MySQL date_format to the local browser timezone

Hi there

I have a “Table” in the Dashboard with a column for the timestamp of the record.
With the simple “time” Garfana adopt the browser settings, with a date_format it doesn’t.
IMHO that’s handled by Grafana and not by mySQL.


time AS “Time”,
date_format(time, “%H:%i:%s/%d.%m.%y”) AS “Zeit UTC”


Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-29 um 07.32.23


Is there a way to do date_format with Grafana Browser setting about the timezone?


PS: Sorry if this is a double but i didn’t found a similar question. Grafana 9.3.2 on Linux (Self hosted)

Hi @cptholzschnauz,

Welcome to the :grafana: community support forums !!

I had replied to a post where I attached a .gif file which contains the steps as how to do it.

Let us know if this helps. :slight_smile:

Yes it does! Thanks a bunch