Zabbix / Grafana 5 New Hosts Not Showing in Grafana

I have existing dashboards that work fine in 4.x and now 5.x. Hosts that existed in Zabbix previously work fine. However, when I add new hosts to the host groups, they appear in Grafana queries but always report no data / metrics and they don’t show up in my existing panels when using regex or choosing them by themselves. For example, I have network probes named “Network Probe - R1229” (existed previously) and “Network Probe - R3139” (added to Zabbix today). They are configured the same in Zabbix and both show data collecting. In Grafana 5, I can query and choose the new probe (R3139) but it always states “no data points” and when using regex to display them all (/.*Probe/) only the existing ones show. They are using the same template in Zabbix. This is one example, but I am seeing this with other dashboards and panels.

I have verified the hosts are enabled in Zabbix as well.

DASHBOARD JSON: (links removed)

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  "schemaVersion": 16,
  "style": "dark",
  "tags": [
  "templating": {
    "list": [
        "allValue": null,
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          "text": "Probes",
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        "current": {
          "text": "Network Probe - R1229 + Network Probe - R2137 + Network Probe - R2NC1 + Network Probe - R3139",
          "value": [
            "Network Probe - R1229",
            "Network Probe - R2137",
            "Network Probe - R2NC1",
            "Network Probe - R3139"
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        "type": "query",
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  "time": {
    "from": "2018-04-26T16:08:28.371Z",
    "to": "2018-04-26T16:50:32.357Z"
  "timepicker": {
    "refresh_intervals": [
    "time_options": [
  "timezone": "browser",
  "title": "NETWORK PROBES",
  "uid": "000000052",
  "version": 16

I assume you have double checked that Zabbix is collecting data for the items of new hosts.
In Grafana, in templating or variables setting, you should set the variable to be refreshed on dashboard load. Otherwise you will only see the hosts / items that were there when you created the dashboard.
