I’m trying to draw a line chart that x-axis represent type of modality and y-axis represent number of times each modality is used.
I have query like this:
But I said “No Y value”
The same thing happens when I tried to select axis by manual.
I assumed that this because grafana does not count the “modalityCode” as an collum contain value to plot because of the “GROUP BY” part. Which is work well with bar chart.
I expected that I can represent it in line like this:

Please help!!
XY Chart is only for two numeric fields.
Thank you.
So how can I draw a graph like above without using bar chart? I need that to be in line chart
That’s a simple task for Business Chart plugin
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Chart appearance could be customized to your needs:
There would be another unsightly way into grafana itself.

You have to convert the x-axis string values into enum.

But I think the right way is via the Business Chart plugin.
Thanks for you guys helps
Thanks for your answer. That help me a lot, but I have an extra question.
Does this plugin have option to show data when I hover the mouse to the data point like this?

tooltip: {
trigger: ‘axis’
tooltip: {
trigger: ‘item’
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