What version of grafana supports elasticsearch 7.16.2?

Good afternoon. We are using version 6.6.2 of Grafana on a linux (CentOS 7) system. We recently upgraded our ElasticSearch cluster to use version 7.16.2. What version of Grafana do I need to upgrade to to get the support for 7.16.2.

I know we could go to the most recent version of Grafana, but going from 6 - 8 seems like a big scary jump.

Is there a way to tell which ElasticSearch versions are supported in a Grafana version?

Looks like Grafana 7.5 will work with Elastic 7+.

But considering that ES 7.16.2 was released in December 2021, after the log4j vulnerability was discovered, it might be worth using a Grafana version at least that recent. I would try 7.5.15.

And that being said, Grafana 8 is a huge improvement over 7, so it might be worth the trouble to catch up to the latest version now…