Usage of plugins

hello all,

Is there a way how to identify in which dashboards which plugins are used?

reason for question:

after upgrade from 6.4 to 7.4 plugin peak report (Peak Report plugin for Grafana | Grafana Labs ) stopped working. the plugin is deprecated, that`s clear.
but I would really like to know in how many and which dashboards this plugin was used.

thank you

Use 3rd party GitHub - panodata/grafana-wtf: Grep through all Grafana entities in the spirit of git-wtf. and “grep” panel type name across all dashboards:

grafana-wtf find btplc-peak-report-panel

Each dashboard panel has type property, where used panel type is stored, so just “grep” it.


@jangaraj : exactly what I was looking for.
thx a lot :wink:

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