Unable to enable pie chart plugin

Hi team,

I have installed Grafana on my windows 10 machine and trying to enable pie chart plugin… but failing to do so…
I installed the pie chart using grafana cli through windows cmd prompt… steps taken are here:

  1. cd C:\Program Files\GrafanaLabs\grafana\bin
  2. grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel
  3. Gave ‘Full control’ permissions to Grafanalabs folder
  4. Restarted services grafana-server restart

Still not able to see pie chart in grafana plugins UI… but a folder named grafana-piechart-panel is created inside C:\Program Files\GrafanaLabs\grafana\data\plugins

Also the sample.ini file has default plugin path as : /var/lib/grafana/plugins

Am i missing something? Kindly guide through to achieve


Test to start your Grafana server with option -pluginsDir YOUR_PLUGIN_DIR, just to confirm if it’s a path issue.

Good Luck