Unable to add icon in application plugin side nav menu item

I’m creating an application plugin. I have added it to side nav and this will have a few menu items. I have added icon for these in plugin.json but unable to view the same on grafana. I even tried the same code from example

Below is my plugin.json.
“$schema”: “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grafana/grafana/master/docs/sources/developers/plugins/plugin.schema.json”,
“type”: “app”,
“name”: “Another Navigation”,
“id”: “side-nav-app”,
“info”: {
“keywords”: [“basic”, “app”, “example”],
“description”: “A basic side nav app plugin”,
“author”: {
“name”: “Your name”
“logos”: {
“small”: “img/logo.svg”,
“large”: “img/logo.svg”
“screenshots”: ,
“version”: “1.0.0”,
“updated”: “2022-12-16”
“includes”: [
“type”: “page”,
“icon”: “graph-bar”,
“name”: “Reports”,
“path”: “/a/%PLUGIN_ID%/nav-menu”,
“role”: “Admin”,
“addToNav”: true,
“defaultNav”: false
“dependencies”: {
“grafanaDependency”: “>=9.2.1”,

I’m looking for this - icon for configuration

Icons for app sub pages is not supported

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