Trying to narrow a time range for one specific panel (influxdb)

i noticed that the relative time does not work to narrow time ranges for the time series panel nor for stat, but x,y and trendline works

The data is correctly narrowed, but for some reason the time series panel will not respect the timeshift settings.

Any help?

These two charts use the same influx flux language query.
the top is time series
the bottom is trendline (with a hack to manually create epochSeconds by mangling int(_time) and then customizing the formatting to ISO time)

Timeshift is for relative dashboard time ranges (e. g. last day), but you have selected absolute dashboard time range (exact from/to).

ok… but it works for trendline ??

I guess your “trendline” term means usage of a Trend panel:

That one is not for timeseries.