I’m currently seeing a mismatch from my postgresql database and what grafana sees when pulling a query.
As you can see below in the screenshot, I’m only doing a where clause where the date equals a specific date. You will notice the return says that column is equal to the day before (11/13/2022) instead of (11/14/2022) in which I searched.
Here are the settings for time within Grafana:
and the server time:
[flip@rodhost ~]$ date
Mon Nov 14 16:36:27 EST 2022
ebay=# select * from ebay_listings where rowid =‘240’;
-[ RECORD 1 ]±----------------
rowid | 240
item | [LOT] 10 R&B CDs
category | cd
location | A1
console |
spent | $10.00
potential | $20.00
quantity | 1
sold_price |
shipping |
ebay_fee |
ad_fee |
total_cost |
total_profit |
sold | N
date_listed | 2022-11-14 <---------------------
date_sold |
Is there another setting i’m missing?
Thanks in advance.
Grafana Version: 9.2.4
Postgresql: postgresql-9.2.24-8.el7_9.x86_64
OS: Linux CentOS 7