Table panel in Grafana 7 - Column per tag not working?


In the old table panel from Grafana 6 I was using columns to show values per tag, like:

         tag1    tag2    tag3
date1    val11   val12   val13
date2    val21   val22   val23
date3    val31   val32   val33

Example of tags is node names and values are average load per date.
Is it possible to make the same table in Grafana 7?
When I try to switch to it I get a select box that allows me choose only one tag. But I want to have overview of data to quickly see possible deviations across dates and tags.

Is it only me who was using tables this way?

Try to add transformation - probably outer join.


Thanks jangaraj

that works now, but how do I change the display order of the columns

any ideas?

kind regards

I would try another transformation Organize fields :smile: