Sorting of queries from different data sources


i have a dashboard with 7 queries from 2 different data sources(mixed).
6 from the first 1 data source, 1 from the second data source.
Alphabetical it is also so, that the first data source (6 queries) cames first in the list, and the second one (1 query ) cames behind the first one.
So the dashboard displays first the 6 queries of the fist data source and the last displayed query is the query from the second source.
But I want to order my 7 queries different.
3 from the first data source.
1 from the second data source
3 from the first data source.

It this possible? I can not find any option and the queries are still automatically sorted in the order of the data source alphabetical names.

Thank you

you can click on the 6 little dots on the right to drag you queries into any order:

Thank you, but this only works for queries from the same data source, not for a mixed environment.

i can order them using mixed as well?

you misunderstood me. yes, you can sort the individual lines differently, e.g. c, b, a
But that doesn’t change the visualization:


Moving G upper:

Changing the other queries form the 1. data sorce works:

are these data sources from different influxdb servers or same influxdb server but different buckets? or …

Your problem is not sorting queries, but sorting of series in the Stat panel. Check the source code of that panel to see how it handles order of received timeseries. Maybe it’s just refid,…

The same server, but different buckets

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maybe i’m misunderstanding you, but it’s not my job to check the source code of the stat panel or? I am only the user. Isn’t that rather a question for the developer?

I was going to say use union but you are using influxql not flux

Another option is to have them as separate distinct panels and embed them as panels into one dashboard the way you want them sorted

ok. I will check it. Thank you

yes, it’s not your task, but it’s your problem. You may pay for support and then support will check it for you. Apparently you are not paying for support, so you need to be more active if you want to sort it. It’s not community responsibility (only free will) to help you.

For me it looks like a bug or better, a not correct working feature.
It is possible to sort queries with drag and drop. But it has no effect when the queries came from different sources. Sorry, it looks like a function that has not been completely worked out to the end.
If that would worked, no matter of the source, everything would be fine.
I will open a github ticket.