What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
Grafana 11.1.0 on windows -
What are you trying to achieve?
Sort the field names in a table -
How are you trying to achieve it?
Click the name to sort it. -
What happened?
I have some variables labelled with xxx_R1, xxx_R2, xxx_R3, … xxx_R10, xxx_R11, xxx_R12 for max/min/last/mean in the field in a table dashboard.
So far so fine.
But when I click sortby Field, it will end up with xxx_R1, xxx_R10, xxx_R11, xxx_R12, xxx_R2, xxx_R3, … -
What did you expect to happen?
If I click sortby Field, it shall end up with xxx_R1, xxx_R2, xxx_R3, …, xxx_R10, xxx_R11, xxx_R12
The only solution in my mind is to rename them. From xxx_R1, xxx_R2, xxx_R3, … to xxx_R01, xxx_R02, xxx_R03, …
Any better ideas?
Great thanks in advance