Show picture from URL stored in database


I’m storing urls to pictures in a database (weather icons) and I would like to show the latest picture in Grafana. Is that possible? How should I do that?

Thanks for your help!

Hi,did you solve it?same request with me


No, unfortunately not! So if anyone has a clue, please help us out! :wink:

You can do it with the “old” table panel which is still usable in Grafana v9 although it’s kind of hidden away now - you have to create a “new” table panel in the Grafana GUI and then inspect and edit the panel JSON to change:

"type": "table",
"type": "table-old",

Then apply that change, and add a column style of type string and enable the “Sanitize HTML” option.

Finally in that table string field you select the HTML to render your image e.g. something like:

select CONCAT('<img src="', table.url_field, '" height="200">') as 'img' 
from ...
where ...

Although if you are rendering local stored images then they must be somewhere in the Grafana directories that Grafana has access to (like /usr/share/grafana/public/pics). In older versions of Grafana (at least on Ubuntu deb) I could store images anywhere and put a symbolic link in the Grafana directories but now with Grafana v9 version it seems symbolic links are no longer supported so I had to do a bind mount instead.

In my opinion the Sanitize HTML option is the single most powerful feature of the old table panel, I still can’t understand why it was removed in the new table panel. My tables can have not only images but styles, fonts, emojjis, icons, colours, the sky is the limit.

Now, in Grafana v11.0.0 i cannot use ‘table-old’ neither change it in the JSON :frowning:
Someone know what could i do?

Welcome @Sara_Xouba to the Grafana forum.

I have images displaying in a table using this code (datasource is MSSQL):

SELECT concat('data:image/png;base64,',	
CAST('' as XML).value('xs:base64Binary(sql:column("img"))', 'VARCHAR(MAX)')) AS PartImage
from myimages



EDIT: The above is working on v10.4 OSS using the Table visualization. Not sure what will happen when I move to v11.

Thanks for replying me :slight_smile: ! But still, it doesn’t work for me
Maybe it’s because I’m using dynamic images which I get from an URL, I don’t know
I will keep trying to figure out something, thanks a lot!

Just reference the url column in your <a href={{ url }} /> html tag