Show Grafana dashboard using iframes

I am trying to show my Grafana Dashboards/panels on a separate URL and also share a live look at the dashboard with my team of 3. I am currently on Grafana 7.1 with a Personal Cloud setup and very new to Grafana. Any support/help would be greatly appreciated!


You haven’t actually said what your problem is.

You say you’re trying to show your Grafana Dashboards/panels on a separate

What URL are you trying to use?

How are you setting this up?

What happens when someone accesses the URL?

Try to give us enough information to understand:

a) what you are trying to achieve

b) what you have done so far to achieve it

c) what problem/s you have encountered

d) any error message you can find (in a browser, a log file, anywhere)

If we have enough data to replicate your situation, we may be able to suggest
a way round whatever difficulty you’re having.


I am having asimilar issue running " * v8.2.2 (6232fe07c0)"

Our instance runs behind a proxy server with no issues, only when I try to put it within another web application’s iframe I then get
" If you’re seeing this Grafana has failed to load its application files

  1. This could be caused by your reverse proxy settings.

  2. If you host grafana under subpath make sure your grafana.ini root_url setting includes subpath. If not using a reverse proxy make sure to set serve_from_sub_path to true.

  3. If you have a local dev build make sure you build frontend using: yarn start, yarn start:hot, or yarn build

  4. Sometimes restarting grafana-server can help

  5. Check if you are using a non-supported browser. For more information, refer to the list of supported browsers."

Have already turning embedding on and “domain” as well as “root_url”


I recently tried to embed a Grafana panel into an iframe and got this:

I followed these steps and it works now.