Scrape loki=>alloy=>prometheus


I have an instance of local Loki and want to scrape it’s metrics to prometheus

Here is my setup

@tonyswumac if you are able to take a peek please

First glance looks good to me, are you running into problem?

:laughing: sorry I did not even state my issue. the stuff spins up but I am not seeing metrics scrapped to prometheus. in fact alloy’s terminal shows a wall of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ interspersed with some real data.

Try perhaps performing a DNS discovery first, like so (not tested):

discovery.dns "dns_lookup" {
  names = ["loki"]
  type = "A"
  port = 3100

prometheus.scrape "addisabeba" {
  scrape_interval = "10s"
  targets         = discovery.dns.dns_lookup.targets
  forward_to   = [prometheus.remote_write.onprem.receiver]