Grafana Alloy prometheus.scrape federation with another Prometheus instance


I’m trying to get the Grafana Alloy agent working with collecting exporter metrics provided by Docker Swarm containers, and was unsuccessful when trying to use the discovery.dockerswarm > prometheus.scrape component workflow.

I think this was because the Alloy agent is running on each Docker host as a systemd service, and it doesn’t have connectivity to the Docker services’ networks (they expose app metrics on an unpublished / overlay ‘monitoring’ network). Historically, we scrape these metrics using a Prometheus swarm container, that is connected to the ‘monitoring’ swarm network, then in turn scrape its’ metrics via Prometheus federation to another standalone Prometheus server. I wasn’t able to find a solution to get Alloy to work here.

I’ve pivoted to trying to get the Alloy agent to scrape the swarm-based Prometheus ‘/federate’ metrics path, but I am struggling with the URL encoding.

I have tried using both the
metrics_path = /federate?match[]=%7B__name__%3D~%22.%2B%22%7D
and also the
params = { "match[]" = ["%7B__name__%3D~%22.%2B%22%7D"] }
arguments within the prometheus.scrape block, however both methods substitute the [ ] in the 'match[ ]' with %5B therefore the scrape doesn’t want to work i.e. last_error "server returned HTTP status 404 Not Found"

Please help!

Apologies, ended up getting it working by using the alloy convert command, and converting a snippet of Prometheus federation scrape config into Alloy config.

Working code is as follows:

prometheus.scrape "dockerswarm_prometheus_services" {
  job_name   = "dockerswarm_discovery"
  metrics_path = "/federate"
  honor_labels = true
  honor_timestamps = true
  scrape_interval = "30s"
  scrape_timeout = "20s"
  scheme = "http"
  follow_redirects = true
  params       = {
                  "match[]" = ["{job=~\".*\"}", "{__name__=~\"^job:.*\"}"],
  targets    = discovery.relabel.dockerswarm_prometheus_services.output
  forward_to = [prometheus.remote_write.prometheus.receiver]