I’m trying to get the Grafana Alloy agent working with collecting exporter metrics provided by Docker Swarm containers, and was unsuccessful when trying to use the discovery.dockerswarm > prometheus.scrape component workflow.
I think this was because the Alloy agent is running on each Docker host as a systemd service, and it doesn’t have connectivity to the Docker services’ networks (they expose app metrics on an unpublished / overlay ‘monitoring’ network). Historically, we scrape these metrics using a Prometheus swarm container, that is connected to the ‘monitoring’ swarm network, then in turn scrape its’ metrics via Prometheus federation to another standalone Prometheus server. I wasn’t able to find a solution to get Alloy to work here.
I’ve pivoted to trying to get the Alloy agent to scrape the swarm-based Prometheus ‘/federate’ metrics path, but I am struggling with the URL encoding.
I have tried using both the
metrics_path = /federate?match[]=%7B__name__%3D~%22.%2B%22%7D
and also the
params = { "match[]" = ["%7B__name__%3D~%22.%2B%22%7D"] }
arguments within the prometheus.scrape
block, however both methods substitute the [ ]
in the 'match[ ]'
with %5B
therefore the scrape doesn’t want to work i.e. last_error "server returned HTTP status 404 Not Found"
Please help!