my grafana version is v10.4.1 and data source is Prometheus
I have a query that returns the latency between various source < > destination paths. I currently visualize it in a table with matrix transformation panel. Row is the source , column the destination and the cells hold the value.
How can i add the value of a second query in the same cell ? With transformation matrix this is not possible. But i would like to have the result of both queries in the same cell.
|| src\dst || dst-A || dst-B ||
|| src - A || Value #A (Value #B) | Value #A (Value #B ) |
|| src - B || Value #A (Value #B) | Value #A (Value #B ) |
Thank you for your reply. I think i wasn’t clear enough with my first message. src and dst are two different labels. So each of the queries returns a table like this :
“Merge Series” Transformation (to merge the two tables)
“Group by” Transformation and i group by src,dst while calculate mean for Value-A and Value-B
After these two transformations the Table looks like this:
Table :
|| src || dst || Value-A || Value-B ||
so i have 4 columns … Grouping to Matrix will allow me to set:
Columns to dst
Rows to src
Cell to any Value , but there is no option for two Values
|| src\dst || dst-A || dst-B ||
|| src - A || Value A or B | Value A or B |
|| src - B || Value A or B | Value A or B |