Pulling in values from MySQL to use in a table from InfluxDB

I have an interesting problem that I ran across today - so we have fields and tags in InfluxDB, and we have ancillary data in a MySQL database. I need to get values from the MySQL portion in as a column in a table aligned with aggregation values from InfluxDB. I’ll explain so it makes sense.

This is what they want…

[Customer Name] [IP Address of Device] [Bandwidth Metrics]
[Customer Name] [IP Address of Device] [Bandwidth Metrics]

Easy right? But this is what I have…

InfluxDB - IP Address as tag, various bandwidth metrics
MySQL - Customer Name, IP Address

I need to somehow get all three in the table, aligned in their proper columns. How best do I go about this?


Have you tried Grafana v5? It includes this which enables render values of multiple queries in the same table. Example here using Prometheus.


I’m up to 5 but I didn’t see any multi-query table ability - it always creates blanks (aka no joins). From the looks of it it might auto-join based on time, but unfortunately that doesn’t fix my use case (table formatted not on a time series).

I’m currently going through the painful, expensive InfluxDB operations with a Python script to generate a new measurement with tags so I can do it all with tags from InfluxDB (which is way faster anyway; MySQL is taking upward of 2.4s per query).


There’s no specific transform for this. See https://play.grafana.org/d/000000065/prometheus-console-tables?orgId=1&panelId=2&fullscreen&edit
