Join Influx and Mysql

@mattabrams , @daniellee


I want to get data from Influxdb, MySQL and join in single table.
I tried using mixed datasource and wrote query A to get data from INfluxdb,
wrote query B to get data from Mysql, transformed it to outer join, and gave a common column name as value but its not joining table but showed single table

what do you mean by
“gave a common column name as value but its not joining table but showed single table”
You have 2 tables join by one key value, you get one table as result, i think this is the good way to merge jour result.
What is the issue ? can you show us data format ?

Here i wrote 2 queries (1 for influx and 2nd for MySQL), In transform if I select value(column name) it doesn’t combine tables

Can you explain rules, column names and datatypes should be the same only in both?

Hello can you look on this ?
I think this is the wrong transformation, “Outer join” is not SQL join as we understand it.
I believe the right one for you is merge
Can you try with it ?

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