Problem receive data from grafana

Hi everyone
I’m new to use Grafana, i deploy grafana and influxdb on docker.
I have collectd on OPNSense send metric to influxdb with this influxdb.conf file:
enabled = true
database = “opnsense”
retention-policy = “”
bind-address = “:2003”
protocol = “tcp”
consistency-level = “one”

separator = “.”

templates = [
“servers.* .hostname.resource.instance.measurement*”,

If i put this command on influxdb container:
use opnsense;
show series;

I see the data on the database but i can’t receive on this dashboard i import in grafana
Dashboard ID: 13386

Welcome @dexter23

Have you successfully configured InfluxDB as a datasource in Grafana?

and received the “datasource is working” message when you click Save & Test?

Hi yes off corse i receive the message datasource is working yes.