Possibility to show different decimal precision for legend values (Value, Percent) for pie chart

Hello guys! Is there a possibility to show different decimal precision for legend values (Value, Percent) for pie chart?

  • What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
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Hi @piotrw and welome to the Grafana forum.

I do not think what you are asking is possible (no option that I am aware of).

I also have to mention that your annotated screenshot is among the best ever! Your question is crystal clear.

Thank you for fast reply :slight_smile: and for compliement, I try to do my best, the better it is described the better chance for somebody to answer :wink:

By the way, FYI, manipulating with Unit and Decimals helped me in similiar problem, where I needed percents with 1 decimal and value without decimals:

But above can’t help with problem from first post.

Anyway, all the best!