Pivot Table & Styleing

Hey Guys,

Hunted for an answer but couldn’t find one. Due to some annoying limitations in PowerBI I am trying to find a better way to display basic dashboard info in a different solution. Tried Kibana but they dont support Pivot tables so trying Grafana.

What I want to achieve is a pivot/matrix table that displays information as follows:

So the figures are where data matches the user and the month and then totals this all up. Is this possible?

The other thing I am unsure of is how to get currency to show the whole number rather than a short version.


Found a way to do the Pivot in SQL:

ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'January', Profit, NULL)),2) AS Jan,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'February', Profit, NULL)),2) AS Feb,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'March', Profit, NULL)),2) AS Mar,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'April', Profit, NULL)),2) AS Apr,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'May', Profit, NULL)),2) AS May,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'June', Profit, NULL)),2) AS Jun,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'July', Profit, NULL)),2) AS Jul,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'August', Profit, NULL)),2) AS Aug,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'September', Profit, NULL)),2) AS Sep,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'October', Profit, NULL)),2) AS 'Oct',
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'November', Profit, NULL)),2) AS Nov,
ROUND(SUM(IF(Month = 'December', Profit, NULL)),2) AS 'Dec'
FROM table
WHERE (YEAR(`Date Ordered`) = YEAR(NOW()))

So the only thing I still need to solve is making currency show as the whole number: e.g £10,000.00 instead of £10k

There isn’t a way to have that sort of fine control over the unit. Maybe setting the unit to none or locale and then write Pounds (£) in the axis label would be good enough: