Grafana Currency

Hello community,

Is there a way to display the currency to the right of the number with Grafana v11.1.0 in a table and gauge format?

what would it look like ?

637€K or 637K€ or 637K €

like this 637,24K €

that looks very strange value
637,24K €

Sorry, I meant either 637.24 € or 637K €

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what is your data source? mysql, mssql?
what is the raw value of this number in your database or db

Yes,mssql ,It works correctly with SQL, but in Grafana, it’s not working.
With which unit did you test it, please?

FORMAT(SUM(MCA.montant) , ‘C’, ‘fr-fr’)

The unit is Locale format


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what is the raw value of this number in your database or db

play around with this sql statements

select 637240, 
cast(637240 as decimal(10,2)), 
FORMAT(637240, 'C', 'fr-fr') 'German', 
FORMAT(637240, '0.00 "€"', 'hr-HR');

It’s really not a grafana issue but more of an mssql issue